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Concrete Wall
Medical Billing company in New York

Hospital Marina located in Mazatlan, Sinaloa México

International Medical
Billing in Mexico

Welcome to MTM Medical Billing.


MTM Medical Billing is an International Medical Billing Company based out of the United States. 


We bill on behalf of Hospitals and Physicians who treat and care for American and Canadian patients who have become injured or ill while facing an Emergency or Urgent Care situation in Mexico.


We bill American Medicare Advantage, Commercial and Travel Insurance Health plans and Canadian Travel Insurance Health Plans. 


We have a proven track record of success and recovery.  Our experienced team works and provides billing expertise. We process claims and provide detailed follow-ups for all our clients. We believe the job is not complete until all claims have been settled. 


Let MTM Medical Billing be a part of your International Insurance Billing so that you can concentrate on patient care not patient reimbursement. 


Contact us for more information.

Concrete Wall

MTM Mazatlan Medical Assistance Membership Program

"We Never Leave Your Side"

Contact Us Now For International Medical Billing

You can register through our website or via our WhatsApp


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